My friend's who are adopting from Korea told me that they wrapped the items in their care package. I figured I would do this as well just to make it more fun. Hopefully the caretakers will have fun unwrapping and not be annoyed. I did put a bag of Lindt chocolates in for all the caretakers to enjoy. Here is everything wrapped and a below is a picture of the boys helping me take the package to the post office. Jake was actually happy but did not want his picture taken.
Random Love
3 days ago
Robin, your daughter is beautiful! She looks so cuddly and sweet! It is so nice to connect with you and I look forward to following your journey also! You have a lovely family, I bet you are all just thrilled to have a little girl coming home soon! And I am glad to see the care pkg items...I hadn't even thought that far ahead, I think it's finally time to go shopping!!!
BTW, love the Fancy Nancy book in post below, Simone LOVES that series!
Oh and we're originally from New England too...Go Sox!