Thursday, April 22, 2010

Busy Girl

Rocking the pigtails.

Lauren just love to be in the mix. If you are doing something she wants in on the action. Here she is trying her hardest to join in on the computer games with the boys!

Lauren thought Memere had something good and she was right. Memere shared her M&M's with her 1 by one.

Jake was taking a shower. I guess it sounded fun. Lauren climbed right in PJ's and all. She was not too happy to be taken out.


  1. Oh my... I had a feeling she was going to have a lot of energy! LOL
    Lauren's little pig tales are SO cute!
    She looks so innocent sitting there and the pictures to follow just crack me up...
    I can't believe she liked getting into the shower, that is too funny!
    She sure is a beauty, even when she soakin wet!

  2. Just wanted to introduce myself. :) My blog is called 4 boys and a little lady, so when I saw yours, I just had to comment! We adopted our little girl from China about a year and a half ago (we had initially looked into adopting from Taiwan).
    Anyway, just wanted to "make myself known." :)
    You have a beautiful family!

  3. Oh Lauren is just darling! She must keep you all on your toes! Just precious...
    Sammy is a big fan of Mnm's too, he knows where the bowl is hidden and "leads" me to them daily!
    We'll be in New England the end of July...maybe we ca meet up and let the kids see eachother again!

  4. Those pics are so adorable! and I cracked up when I saw your wet pj princess! LOL poor baby! How dare you take her out! LOL

    Praying Jeremiah Home Quickly

  5. How fun to find another busy family with three kids already BEFORE adoption!
