Thursday, January 28, 2010

1st Haircut in the States

I took Lauren to get a bang trim the other day. Her bangs were getting long. I was toying with the idea of letting them grow out. She has such a beautiful face that I love to see it. She also has baby bangs still growing in underneath so I opted for a little trim in hopes that the new bangs will catch up eventually. Here is a few before shots.

The 1st hair cut in the US.

Ta Da...All cleaned up and ready to go. She is such a cutie pie!

Jake hopped into the seat after Lauren and got himself a haircut
Style'n with the blue hair.


  1. I am so impressed that she let someone cut her hair! We have to hold Kyan down and do it ourselves. It is NOT pretty (which is why he has a mohawk often, easier). Love Jake's blue hair, too cool!

  2. I am so impressed that she let someone cut her hair! We have to hold Kyan down and do it ourselves. It is NOT pretty (which is why he has a mohawk often, easier). Love Jake's blue hair, too cool!

  3. Lauren's hair is beautiful. Oh, Jake's is too!
    I have to laugh because if I show this picture to my youngest son he will want to go have it done too! At least it washes out... A couple years ago our middle son informed us that he wanted to bleach the center of his beautiful dark head of hair and spike it up.
    Maybe I should suggest some colored hair gel the next time!
    Your kids sure are cute!

  4. Oh she is just so adorable!
    I am so far behind on my blogging...I cannot believe I've missed these last few entries of your sweet Lauren! I just love the snowy afternoon photos, L sure looks like she is enjoying herself! That smile is just catchy, makes me grin from ear to ear!
    And I am shocked at her climbing! Holy cow...she must keep you on your toes!
    And lastly Happy Birthday, a bit late. I tried to post my Birthday wishes to her but it wouldn't go through. I hope her day was truly as special as she is!
