Thursday, April 23, 2009

A small moment to share

Today I went to register Jake for kindergarten. I had filled out all the paperwork back in January and sent it in then. Today I had to provide proof of residency, birth cert and immunization records. As I walked in I was handed one last form to fill out. I filled in all our family information and for the 1st time wrote that I had 4 children and wrote a "1" next to the spot for sisters. Wow.


  1. I totally get this! Last year at this same time I got to do the very same thing!!! Funny how such a little thing can feel so wonderful isn't it?! Wait until he wants you to bring her in for "show & tell". LOL! Coen couldn't wait to show her to his class. It was really sweet.

  2. Awww...isn't that fun? Yesterday I wrote out a birthday card for my dad and wrote the usually Todd, Michelle, Jacob and Sara...then added and Tessa too! :) Now, if we'd only hear something about hearing dates!

  3. Wow, what a neat moment to share! Isn't that such a cool feeling! I did the same, put Simone had a 2 month old makes it so much more real!
    Now let's get some news about WHEN sweet baby Lauren comes home!

  4. it is a good feeling isn't it? You may certainly link to our new blog.

