We had a fabulous vacation in California. Here my the crew was enjoying the flight.
Lauren and Jake and the view.
Jake and the Koi fish pond
Lauren and the fish.
We had so much fun with our vacation friends, the Giroux.

Phil and I watching the sunset.
We visited Legoland. This was a long awaited theme park for Jake and Matt.
Much of the crew heading into the park.
Matt and the lego Sith.
Lauren and Lydia enjoying the park.
I love Jake's pose with the lego star wars.
Silly boy.
Jake and Adam had no fear.
Lauren was so excited to ride the horse.
Cynthia, Lydia and Lauren taking a train ride.
Cutie Pie all bundled up. It got COLD at the end of the day.
Boat ride
hot chocolates for everyone at the end of the day.
Robin each yr I remember when you share your referral anniversary how your blog and journey first caught my attention: Lauren's referral was on my son's birthday. I also remember seeing the picture you shared, Oh my but she was and is the sweetest:) Love your pics of vacation, we have a Legoland that was built rather near to us but have not been yet, our older kiddos were just growing out of that stage when it arrived. Now looking forward to going with our littles as they settled. Glad you had such a special break!!! Michelle