We are a baseball loving family. We all went to see the Se@ Dogs play on a beautiful summer night. Major league ball is really fun to watch. Here are the boys with a statue of the mascot.

Phil and the boys. The boys are enjoying an ice cream in those little plastic baseball hats. They brought the hats home and now their stuffed animals are supporting the team.

Josh goes to every ball game with a baseball, glove and sharpie. He dreams of catching a foul ball and getting an autograph from a player. Well, his
persistence payed off. We were near the bullpen during the game. Josh kept trying to figure out how to ask for an autograph and how to get around the security guy who shoos you away from the players. He DID it. One of the pitchers said he would sign a ball for him. Josh threw it down and then the player asked if he had a pen. Josh could not be happier passing down the sharpie that he brings. Here is the pitcher autographing the ball.

Josh is waiting patiently and nervously for the ball to be thrown back to him. The pitcher was really great. He passed the ball around the bull pen and 3 players signed the ball.

Here is Josh with his newly autographed ball. He looked up all the players the next morning.
That's SO cool that Josh finally got some autographs...and even cooler that the player passed the ball around for more signatures!!!