We are now in the full throws of the baseball season. I think we are on a field just about every day of the week. It is a bit challenging with Lauren but I really love getting to see my boys play. Josh pitched the first game of the season which was exciting. So much pressure for a little guy. It's tough on the mama too. I am on the edge of my seat sending "strike him out" messages telepathically.
Over vacation I took a small road trip with the kids to the beach. Lauren got her first taste of life at the beach. I put her down, barefoot, on the cool beach sand and was excited to see her reaction. She didn't pick her feet up immediately, which most kids do the first time. She just started walking around on the sand. She headed down the hill and hit the wet low tide sand. That didn't phase her either. She stepped through some very cold puddles and thought it was great. Sh walked all the way to the ocean's edge. Once the ocean waves tickled her feet I thought for sure she would be done. NOPE. She loved it and kept walking into the cold New England water! She will be a beach bunny for sure. That's my girl! Unfortunately I was not able to get ANY pictures. She requires both eyes and hands at the ready as she would like nothing better that to swim with the fishes.
The boys are doing well. Josh and Jake each have a karate test today to move up in the ranks. They are very excited. Once Josh earns his new belt he will move up into Matt's class and that will help with our busy spring schedule.
Matt, Jake and I are reading H@rry Potter and searching for any time that we can read together as we cannot wait to see what will happen in book 6. This is one of my favorite things to do with the boys. Josh just finished the last book in the series. So exciting for him to accomplish reading all the books himself...but sad for the story to end.
Here are a few Lauren pic's.
Looking all glammed up in her faux furry coat

Lauren waking up in the morning.

Yet another attempted escape caught on film. She is like a little mouse. This girl can squeeze through the smallest of openings to explore off limit areas.