We have 1st ruling!!!!!!!!!!! What an exciting call to get today. Our Social worker called me a little while ago to tell me the great news. She said that our 1st ruling (also called Civil Ruling) was the fastest one that they have had come in. Just 17 days since our hearing on July 10th! Wow! I had prepared myself for at the very least a 2 month wait that would have landed us in early to mid September and then traveling in October - November or even December. Now it looks like we could actually be travelling in early September.
Now that we have the 1st ruling we have a mandatory 10 day waiting period for our final ruling. After 10 days the judge can make Lauren legally our daughter. Our social worker said that she has been seeing final rulings come in 3-5 weeks after the 1st ruling. We are hopeful for a quick final ruling but as in all international adoption cases it could take longer.
Well- It's officially time to go shopping:) I have been holding off on shopping for clothes for Lauren. Our hearing took so long I was imagining not being able to have her home until Thanksgiving or Christmas so I have been waiting for all the fall clothes to come out. Also, I wasn't really sure what size she was wearing until she was wearing our outfit this last update.
Lauren's measurements as off June 30th are height 24.4 inches and weight 15.8 pounds. I believe she is in 3-6 months clothes right now so I am going to go shopping for some 6-9 month outfits for the fall.
Oh happy day!!!
Random Love
2 days ago